Because application servers use limited thread pools, continuous use of a thread prevents an application server from handling other requests while sending or receiving a message using these protocols. 由于应用服务器使用有限的线程池,持续使用一个线程将使应用服务器在使用这些协议发送和接收消息时无法处理其他请求。
Continuous mechanical handling equipment Belt conveyors with carrying idlers Calculation of operation power and tensile forces GB/T17119-1997连续搬运设备带承载托辊的带式输送机运行功率和张力的计算
Continuous handling equipment-Term of aerial ropeways GB/T12738-1991连续搬运设备架空索道术语
Important as the underground continuous wall is to a structure, incorrect concrete pouring cannot ensure its quality and improper handling of wall adapter will cause water leakage, which impair the normal use of structure. 作为建筑结构的重要组成部分,地下连续墙的混凝土浇捣方法不当会影响混凝土质量,墙幅接头处理不好会使接头处产生渗漏,影响结构的正常使用。
This paper proposed that the right strategies for promoting the continuous development of historical dramas should be actively carrying out experiments on "modernization" and "urbanization" and handling the relationship between original and traditional dramas. 进行现代化和都市化实验,处理好原创与传统剧目的关系等,应成为推动戏曲历史剧不断发展的正确策略。
With the continuous increasing of vehicle running speed, the effect of cross-wind onthe vehicle handling and stability becomes more and more important. 随着汽车实际行驶速度的不断提高,汽车的侧风稳定性日益显得重要。
But because of BF and Hot-Blast Stove are continuous production, automatic control system design and equipment selection must have high reliability and emergency handling. 而且由于高炉及热风炉生产连续性的要求,在自动化控制系统设计及设备选择上有高可靠性及应急处理的要求。
Continuous development of computer applications led to a sharp rise in the amount of data, Since the structure of the data is limited to manual handling, resulting in the growth rate of unstructured data is far greater than structured data. 计算机应用的不断发展导致了数据量的急剧攀升,由于数据结构化过于受限于人工处理,非结构化数据的增长速度远远大于结构化数据。